Mac & Me


Mac & Me" is a famous 1980s box office bomb about a boy who befriends a lost alien tried to ride the coattails of Steven Spielberg's "E.T.: The Extraterrestrial" but it got dragged through every mud puddle and pothole along the way. It's so bad that Paul Rudd has used its most jarring moment (you know the one) as his promotional clip every time he appeared on Conan O'Brien's late night shows. That means it's perfect for Dallas' only live movie mocking comedy show.

The Official Trailer

“"an amazingly bald-faced copy of E.T., even though this is E.T. in a sticky wrapper, left under the heater two hours too long. Almost everything in the earlier movie has a double here."

-Los Angeles Times critic Michael Wilmington


The Giant Gila Monster (1959)


Captain America (1990)